Here we are again, about to ring in another new year as we say goodbye to a year. New Year’s Eve is traditionally a time to gather with those we love, reminisce on the year past. and make those famous “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS” as we plan for the year ahead.
According to Wikipedia, “A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life.”
As I sit here and reminisce on this past year I find myself with mixed feelings and thoughts. Yes, #COVID19 consumed our lives and changed our lives, well it changed the lives of many, but did it change mine? 🤔 People became stressed because life as they knew it was suddenly changed by something they had no control over, yup, I know that feeling. People became bored because they couldn’t go shopping or to a restaurant whenever they wanted, yup, I know that feeling too. Non essential workers were forced to work remotely, yup, my honey was one of them and that made me happy. 😊 Sadly many lives were lost, for this I will pray 🙏 for those families.
As for planning for the year ahead and making a New Year’s resolution, truthfully, I’ve never been good at keeping them but now, I have little I can plan for or plan to do. Living life in a #wheelchair 👩🦽 doesn’t make traveling ✈️ easy, or losing weight easy, or exercising easy, basically, it doesn’t make living easy.
More than anything I’m sorry for those I love most, my parents and my honey, I’m sorry that I can’t be and do all that I want to for them. So, I strive to remind them how much I love them and how grateful I am for them.
Do you have a New Year’s resolution?
As always, I wish you days filled with WONDER – take a minute to WONDER what it is that made you smile today!
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