With the new year fast approaching, everyone reflects on the year gone by and dreams of the year ahead. With my #paralysis in 2016, I sunk down into a very bad hole, I couldn’t see any future for 2017. Then as 2017 was coming to its closing, looking forward to 2018 didn’t seem much brighter.
#Advocate For #Family Restrooms
Today I read an interesting blog post titled A Bad Advocate With Good Intentions on the Help Codi Heal blog. As I read this post it occurred to me that almost every blog I have read by a paralyzed person, woman or man, talks about being an advocate for disabilities and/or a motivational speaker. Up until […]
A Girl’s Gotta Do What A Girl’s Gotta Do
A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do right, and for me that means SHOPPING! Seriously though, while I do like shopping, I’ve found that wearing jeans and slacks just aren’t as practical for me, not on a regular basis at least. #Accessibility is not always about ramps for easy/accessible entry. For me, dresses […]
All I Want For Christmas Is. . .
All I Want For Christmas Is. . . I don’t know. Please please please, don’t think I’m sad or angry or depressed because I’m not, it’s just really really hard to come up with something Santa can get for me because there is so very little I can do.