Odd really, as I sit here in this #wheelchair, as I have done for the past !,370+ days (since June 21 2016), I have once again become keenly aware of my own unplanned #social_distancing forced upon me back in 2016,
Without a doubt the mandated lock downs and mandatory social distancing orders put in place in an effort to flatten the curve of this horrible #COVID_19 virus are necessary and I’m sure for many very stressful. Stressful because the vast majority of people have never experienced being forced to stay home, stay in their homes and not interact with others, not socialize with friends, family, co-workers, society, the world,
After only 10 days of schools being closed in NY, the news was reporting how many people are experiencing feelings of uneasiness due to the uncertainty of the virus and the #isolation. At first I was like really? It’s only been a few weeks. Then I realized, I’ve had more practice at this social distancing/self #isolation stuff. As I look back at my post “What Is Isolation” back in January 2019, all I can say is, I understand.
The “experts” give ideas/suggestions on dealing with the social distancing/self isolation due to this #pandemic called #coronavirus, I can confirm that #Facetime, #Skype and the many online tools available to us today to stay in touch are great. There is something positive that takes place in your heart when you can physically see another person and laugh together. 👫 👫
My mother use to always remind me, “I cried because I had no shoes until the day I met the man who had no feet.”
Remember we are are struggling… this is scary times for sure but, this to shall pass.
As always, I wish you days filled with WONDER take a minute to WONDER what it is that made you smile 😃today!
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