Okay, so I’m attempting to do something about this weight that I’ve gained over the last 4 1/2 years thanks to #paralysis. I’ve gained probably somewhere between 25-35 lbs. since surgery gone wrong left me #paralyzed and a full time/permanent #wheelchair 🦼 user. Sadly, it’s very common for most people to gain extra weight when they have little to no mobility and sit all day whether in a wheelchair or even scooter 🛵. Forced to sit all day in itself can be unhealthy (heart slows, metabolism slows, muscles weaken, breathing becomes more shallow, etc) but adding to much excess weight only increases unearthliness.
For the last year I kept telling myself “you can’t loose weight you can’t exercise” or “you can do anything worthwhile so how do you expect to loose weight” or the best was “you’re sitting in the wheelchair ALL day, can’t really do any beneficial exercises 🏋️ AND YOUR’RE 60,” well, today I’m saying enough, I have to change!
A few months back while reading through my many Facebook groups regarding paralysis, #SCI, women in wheelchairs, etc. I stumbled on Fatimah Fakhoury a Registered Dietitian page titled Paralysis Nutrition. I was/am SO EXCITED! As a registered dietitian and the wife of a SCI man, her program sounded perfect, and she has a book, titled The Paralysis Nutrition Cookbook: 101 Recipes to Help You Lose Weight & Improve Bowel Health. Yesterday I had my first “discovery call” with Fatimah to discuss her program, cost, what it includes, my goals, etc. While Fatimah admits, she has never worked with a #little person / #person_of_short_stature (a.k.a. #dwarf), she is eager to help me reach my goals and feel better about myself! I found myself hopeful, and yes, exited, about the idea/possibility of loosing this weight finally. The program is a little expensive and while I have not yet purchased the cookbook I’m already exited to try a few of the recipes shared in the private Facebook Group Paralysis Nutrition – Private Discussion Group. The program also includes weekly group Zoom calls where Fatimah reviews and discusses how each member is doing, answer any questions, offer suggestions on what to swap out for a healthier option. Many of the people in the program utilize apps like “My Fitness Pal” to track their daily diet including their carbs, protein, etc. then share that with both the group and Fatimah – talk about a support system.
In addition, my Honey has PROMISED me that he will not only help me but will join me on this healthy eating adventure. Shh, he could use a few extra lbs. too 😉 Wish me luck, I’m keeping my fingers crossed 🤞 that this program will help me loose this unwanted weight!
As always, I wish you a journey filled with exploring new people, places and things – take time to learn from and enjoy each new adventure along your way!
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I am so happy for you! Your excitement for this journey is virtually contagious! Your determination is inspiring. Losing weight is no easy task!! Couldn’t we all stand to eat a bit healthier?? I wish you total success!! I do hope you will keep us posted, even if it’s just a “hint” as to how it’s going.
Great best of luck! I was skinny in childhood and found it difficult to gain weight and become healthy afterward In 2012 I’ve got an accident in which I can even move from my bed I’ve been gaining a lot of weight and Thought I was wrong I can gain weight by just sitting on the bed but Now, I found difficult to become skinny physics again. LOL I’ve to die with this weight!
Amazing! You’re very Inspirational your post motivated me. I wish you success, May god helps you to achieve your goals!
Thank you Sarah!