Loosing Your Ability

A little over a month ago my Father (84) had a mini stroke, as a result, my Honey and I have been staying at my parents to help. My Honey handles the physical things that need to be done (shopping, going to post office, preparing meals for us, etc.) while I do my best handling the emotional & mental things that need to be done (being primary contact for all doctors, keeping track of medications, paying bills, keeping my Mother relatively calm when my Father starts his hallucination episodes, etc.).

Aging. . .it’s a natural process but it can be so very cruel for some. Over the past month it’s been very difficult for me to watch my Father slip in and out of reality and my Mother cry as she tries to come to terms with the idea that the man she has spent 60+ years with is slowly slipping away. My heart 💔 breaks as I sit here in this damn #wheelchair 👩‍🦽 day in and day out, unable to spontaneously give either of my parents a loving hug  🤗.

As I was sitting watching and listening to my Mother attempt to reason with my Father I found myself wondering what is worse, to loose your physical ability as I have or to loose your mental ability as my Father has or to loose emotional strength as my Mother. Then suddenly, I totally lost control after my Father was trying to hand me something but, being a #paralyzed #little_person, I couldn’t reach what my Father was trying to give me😢

As always, I wish you a journey filled with exploring new people, places and things – take time to learn from and enjoy each new adventure along your way!

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