While #Autumn brings beautify colors to the majestic #Hudson_Valley (where we live) and the #Catskills (our 2nd home on the lake), it struck me recently as kind of odd. As we marvel at the leaves as they begin to change colors they are in the process of drying and dying as they fall to the ground yet somehow the cool crisps temps invigorate us.
Perhaps this recently occurred to me as I search for every Fall Festival I can find because I know once this season passes my weekend adventures with my honey out ‘n ’bout will be even more limited than what they already are now.
After being stuck in the house Monday-Friday, unable to get out, do anything, or go anywhere as my honey is working, I very much look forward to the weekends and what adventures/activities we can attend. Fall festivals, farm orchards and stands are usually safe activities that we don’t need to worry about stairs . Of course there is the occasional hill, or bump or rock my honey needs to maneuver up or around as he happily pushes 🦽 me along! Yes, I will say it again, I’m so very lucky and blessed 🙏🏻 to have this WONDERFUL man in my life!
Once the fun of the many Fall adventures/activities are finished, the colder temps creep in as Winter takes hold bringing snow and ice and I am once again #isolated more than my weekly isolation. You all know I don’t really have any visitors (family or friends) during the week (during warm weather or cold) because having to have an aide with me 6 hours of the day while my honey is at work doesn’t leave me any privacy.
This is why sunny warm weekends spent either in the Catskills where my upstate friends welcome me with frequent visits or spending time visiting my parents (sadly I can only visit my elderly parents 👴🏻 👵🏻 on weekends when my honey can take me). The warmer weekends are typically only between May-October, they are my saving grace! It is these 24 days out of the year (2 days per weekend by 4 weekends a month = 8 days a month by 6 month of the year = 48), 48 days a year when I feel somewhat “normal”!

So I encourage everyone to enjoy every day to it’s fullest! Take that extra minute to appreciate your surrounds, love who you are with and commit those special moments to memory.
As always, I wish you days filled with wonder – take a minute to wonder what it is that made you smile today!
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