Can life be more boring? I didn’t think I could be more bored than I have been over the last years since #paralysis became my new normal but I was wrong.
On Tuesday, August 4th, my home state of NY, along with many other states along the East Coast, was hit by Tropical Storm Iasis.⛈️ The storm knocked out power ⚡ and cable service for hundreds of thousands of people in several states. Luckily, we never lost power but we did lose our cable/internet. Now, my parents, who only live about 1 mile from me, lost both power and cable/internet.
With my Father requiring oxygen 24/7, we went over to my parent’s house so my honey could get the generator started. By nightfall on Tuesday it was clear that the power would not be restored any time soon. The generator needs to be refilled with gas about every 6 hours and my Mother is afraid to be in house with no lights on my Father unable to help if something were to go wrong so my honey and I spent the night. Wednesday (August 5th) morning came, my honey went out to get us all coffee and another can full of gas before we headed back to our house so my honey could continue to work remotely. Me, with no cable/internet, I just sit. Thankfully by early evening on Wednesday power was restored at my parent’s. They still didn’t have cable/internet but we didn’t need to stay overnight as my Mother felt safer knowing she had electricity.
It’s now Thursday (August 6th) mid-day and still we have no cable/internet when it struck me how much I now depend on the internet. Not for cable TV but for the little #independence I have (turning lights on/off, etc.) and for my sanity. I’m now one of those people who is on their phone nonstop as that’s all I can do, that’s my primary source of entertainment.
With no cable/internet people are going for walks, playing kickball in yards with their children, cleaning their homes, cooking/baking, going for a ride, etc. My neighbor informed me she has cleaned her closets and bathroom, my Mother has filled her coffee box, cleaned the spare room, etc. Me, I sit, sit in this #wheelchair and stare and think. I’m now reduced to asking my honey to turn on the bathroom light 💡 for me so I can go brush my teeth all because without internet, my voice activated lights do not work.
After surgery gone wrong that fateful day in June 2016 left me #paralyzed, I struggled, and still do at times, finding things to keep my mind occupied, to maintain a little sanity, the internet is a key component of my life now. I didn’t think my boredom could get any worse, but no cable/internet for the last 48 hours (it’s now mid-day Thursday) has proved me wrong. I’m typing this blog but not sure when I’ll be able to post it.
Friday (August 7th) still no cable/internet.
Saturday (August 8th) no cable/internet majority of the day and then after nearly 100 hours the cable was restored about 4:00 pm.
So, what do you do to pass the time, keep yourself busy during a power/cable/internet outage? Let me know in the comments below.
As always, I wish you days filled with WONDER – take a minute to WONDER what it is that made you smile today! 😃
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