Okay so I’ve been getting some messages that some people think I’m sad, or withdrawn, I’m not, I’m just being honest.
For example, when I say I miss not being able to decorate my house as the season change, that’s true, I do miss not being able to do that. Because I can’t do it, I don’t really care if it gets done or not. But not caring if it gets done or not doesn’t mean I’m sad or withdrawn or depressed. Why don’t I care? Mostly because if it were to get done now that would mean I’d have to ask my honey to get it all out, then put it all here or there and truthfully he does enough so I now pick and choose. Secondly, because part of the joy of seasonal decorating is the enjoyment of doing it; once again, what once was now isn’t and was wasn’t, now is and that’s the honest truth.
Before becoming #paralyzed I kept a clean house; dusted, vacuumed, washed dishes, put things in their proper place (for the most part ) but now, sitting in this #wheelchair combined with my limited reach ability, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to reach things that once were put in their respective places, so I now leave bills to be paid, check books, letter opened, magazines, hand cream, etc. on one corner of the dinning room table and it’s okay. It may not look good, it may appear that we are sloppy or don’t pick up or don’t keep a neat house but it’s okay. It’s okay because me having the ability to reach them on my own without having to ask someone to get it for me makes it bearable. Normally I would want my table cleared with a nice centerpiece but not now and again, it’s okay.
My joy now comes from watching the birds at my many feeders, designing my new bathrooms that my honey is redoing to make life a little easier for me, researching accessible RV’s so we can travel more, taking rides together with my honey, and writing this blog! But guess what, I’ve ALWAYS enjoyed those things! So no, I’m not sad, I’m just honest, honest about what does and doesn’t matter in this journey called life, at least what does and doesn’t matter in MY journey.
As always, I wish you days filled with wonder – take a minute to wonder what it is that made you smile today!
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Part of your journey, is looking for the good around you, this takes time. You are very inspiring and have inspired me through your trials and making the best of your situation. You have a wonderful and kindred spirit. This will help you along this long path you’re on and you will get through the toughest situations because you have a can do attitude. I hope you continue to help others that are in your situation to feel what they feel and live in the moment. Just never lose your spirit. Its one of the kindest and most beautiful souls I have seen in all my years. That’s a lot by the way!!
Thank you, hopefully my story will benefit someone somewhere.