Yesterday marked 4 years since that fateful day when for all intensive purposes my good life came to an end. The odd thing about yesterday was
Change ~ Changed ~ Changing
Have you noticed a few less blog posts from me lately? Me too, but I can’t put my finger on why. Maybe there’s just too much going on all around, maybe I’m just not able to focus, maybe I’m just at a loss. Then today, while watching our NY Governor give his daily briefing today […]
I Hope You Dance. . .
Mother’s Day. . .a special day to show our Mother’s extra thanks, extra appreciation and most importantly extra 💖. Not being a mother myself, I can only guess what my mother must have thought that Thursday morning back in 1961. I’ve since been told that on that Thursday morning, the doctors said “she has skin […]
#NEW NORMAL We are now 2 months or so with the majority of people attempting to adjust to a “new normal” life amidst #COVID19. While I understand that living a “new normal” lifestyle isn’t easy, doesn’t come naturally and surely isn’t fun, I’ve come to understand and realize that life goes on, whether we like […]
Uncertain Times
The #COVID19 #virus 🦠 is now affecting all our lives in ways we never would have imagined just 4 months ago. Ironically, #paralysis is now affecting my life in ways I would never have imagined just 4 years ago.